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L-Lysine Powder 200 Grams
ADP: $14.99
Price: $5.99
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Manufacturer: *Supplement Direct*
Manufacturer Part No: 7348900345
Lysine is an essential amino acid necessary for growth and to help maintain nitrogen balance in the body. It may help promote proper nitrogen balance in the body and prevent glycosylation, the combining of a sugar and protein molecule accelerated by elevated levels of sugar in the blood.
Lysine has many functions in the body because it is incorporated into many proteins, which are used for a variety of purposes. Most people, including vegans (vegetarians who avoid dairy and eggs), consume adequate amounts of lysine. However, vegans whose diets contain large amounts of grains and only minimal amounts of beans could become lysine deficient. Athletes involved in frequent vigorous exercise have an increased need for essential amino acids, although most diets meet these increased needs. The essential amino acid requirements of burn patients may exceed the amount of lysine in the diet.
Lysine supplementation has been shown to increase the absorption and retention of calcium.149 Some researchers believe that the disturbed balance of arginine and lysine may play a role in viral problems.150, 151
Lysine works with other essential amino acids to maintain growth, lean body mass and the body’s store of nitrogen. In addition, dietary supplementation with the essential amino acid L-lysine has been shown to reduce anxiety in humans with low dietary intake of L-lysine. L-lysine, together with arginine, has been documented to normalize hormonal stress responses in humans with high trait anxiety.152
200 Grams |
Supplement Facts |
Serving Size 1.5 Grams (1/2 TEASPOON) |
Servings Per Container 133.3 |
Amount Per Serving |
1.5g |
Directions For Supplement Direct L-Lysine: 1.5-3 a day in and or as directed by a health professional.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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